Is Your Home In Need Of Additional Insulation?
Home insulation is located behind your walls and above your ceilings, which is why it tends to be forgotten about by the majority of homeowners. Because of this, it can be hard to know when your home does not have a sufficient amount of insulation to prevent the transfer of temperatures. Luckily, there are several changes in your home that can signify that there is a problem with the insulation. Here is what you should be looking for.
Uneven Temperatures
When there is not a sufficient amount of insulation to keep cool and hot air from flowing through the ceilings and walls, the home may develop some hot and cold spots. Even with an efficient HVAC system, it may be difficult for consistent temperatures to be maintained from one room to the next. In addition, you may feel some drafts in certain areas, such as around doors and windows where the air may be seeping through.
Cold Surfaces
Ceilings, floors, and walls inside your home should feel relatively warm. If these surfaces feel cold when you touch them, there is a good chance that there is not enough insulation on the other side of them. Ultimately, these surfaces should be about the same temperature as your thermostat setting.
Excessive Energy Costs
If inadequate insulation is making it more difficult to maintain consistent indoor temperatures, your HVAC system will need to work that much harder in order to produce the desired temperatures. Over a prolonged period of time, this excess strain that is placed on your system will result in increased energy usage, and as a result, you will notice a spike in your utility bills. In addition, you may require more frequent repairs to your HVAC system because of the additional strain.
Ice Dams
If you notice that the edges of your roof are covered in icicles during the winter, then your attic likely does not have the right amount of insulation. When your attic does not have sufficient insulation, hot air will rise into the space. Over time, the heat will cause the snow on the roof to melt, and as that melting snow drips down, it will freeze on the eaves (which are cooler), forming ice dams. These ice dams will place stress on the overall roof structure.
If you notice any of the aforementioned problems in your home, then there is a good chance that your home is properly equipped with insulation. You may not have the right amount of insulation, or you may not have the right type of insulation. Whatever the case may be, you should get in touch with a professional insulation contractor and schedule an inspection.