Keeping the Construction Industry GoingKeeping the Construction Industry Going

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Keeping the Construction Industry Going

The construction industry has struggled a bit in recent years. This is not because there's not amazing technology out there to make construction easier. There's tons of technology, and it's amazing! Rather, the struggle seems to be that there is a shortage of labor. Many young people are not as interested in working in construction anymore. We hope that we can do our part to change that. In posting on this blog, we hope to reach a wide audience, including young people who may want to work as contractors. There are excellent jobs in the industry, and learning the basics on this blog can set you up for success.


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The Ultimate Event Pro’s Guide to Temporary Fencing

Managing an event can be exhilarating – from the creative cogs turning to bring your vision to life to the logistics of vendors and guests coming together. However, not everything about the process is as glamorous as the end event. One of the often-underestimated logistical elements is the need for temporary fencing.

Defining the Need for Temporary Fencing

Temporary fencing solutions play a pivotal role in events' operational success and safety. They provide the boundary control vital to both small community gatherings and large-scale festivals. Before you can begin erecting temporary fencing, it’s crucial to define the need. Factors to consider include:

  • Event Size: The larger the event, the more complex the fencing requirements. Temporary fencing can segment areas for different uses, such as VIP sections, food courts, and stages.
  • Duration of the Event: Fencing for short-term events may require simpler structures, but fencing for long-term events may require more robust structures.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Specific events may have local or state regulations that dictate the type of fencing needed for safety and security.
  • Budget Constraints: Temporary fencing can be an expensive but necessary line item. Finding a balance between meeting the event's needs and staying within budget is critical.

Choosing the Right Type of Temporary Fencing

Not all temporary fencing is created equal. The choice you make should reflect the specific requirements of the event. Here are some common types of temporary fencing:

  • Chain Link Fencing: Sturdy and durable, chain link fencing is a great option for events requiring high security and crowd control.
  • Barricades: Typically used for directing foot or vehicle traffic, barricades may not offer the same level of visual obstruction but are excellent for crowd management.

Always gauge the number of people likely to attend and the kind of enclosure needed to ensure you select the most suitable type of fencing. Consult with a temporary fencing expert to determine the best fit for your event.

Implementing Your Fencing Plan

With your needs identified and the type of fencing chosen, it’s time to implement your plan. Here are a few key steps to keep in mind:

  • Plan for Access Points: Fencing doesn't mean inaccessibility. You'll need well-planned access points for attendees and service personnel.
  • Consider Aesthetics: Your fencing will be a significant part of the event's look. Don’t forget to consider aesthetics when choosing styles and colors.
  • Safety First: Regardless of the type of fence you opt for, safety should be a top priority. Ensure all fencing complies with safety standards and is installed correctly to avoid accidents.

Temporary fencing might not be the first thing that comes to mind when planning an event, but it is an indispensable feature of successful event management. With the right type of fencing, you can ensure better organization, protection, and an overall improved guest experience.

Contact a local company like A & R Rent-A-Fence to learn more.